Monday, October 1, 2012

Rebooting Digital Natives

The past few weeks I have been starting to further integrate technology into my classes of freshmen and sophomores in Social Studies as I have navigated what has been at my disposal in my new building. Most interesting to me has been the students' learning curve when it comes to accessing information on the internet, simple Google searches has been the general response provided when asking them about how they conduct research.
This didn't surprise me as much as how foreign these students were to how Google Drive aka Docs worked. As I had each class work on a collaborative document using Drive, the students were "amazed" by how we could type at the same time on the same document! Multiple students asked what they had to do to save this document so that they could work on it at home later/have a copy of it...
As I explained the concept of the cloud, many students were still perplexed about using a collaborative document and how to access the hyperlinks that were provided in the template that was provided to them. I have realized that I need to check for understanding on how to use some forms of technology that I had mistakingly assumed students knew how to use. Thus I will be looking to reboot my digital natives!

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